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The book "The Essential Guide for Dreaming Explorers" by Ammos

This graphic design harmoniously blend two very important worlds for Ammos: the dimension of the art and literary inspiration. All happened instinctively, from the beginning. Full of abstract works I was creating, I started to follow the natural shadows on the canvas of plaster that were woven into fanciful architecture, giving rise to these strange cities.

Then I stuck glimmers of reality, domes cut out from newspapers and words put together by chance. Before I even finish the work, the link between the image and the story was made clear: who are the invisible inhabitants of this village? what they do all day? and why have they filled the streets of words? The paintings came to life until they came alive and started to be charged with meaning.

When I finally gave the fixative to the whole welter of walls, the myth about their foundation was ready to be transcribed. And in the twelfth City I discovered to have a book on my hands...

The journey begins, the dreaming space is vast. You cross "Aranduti", the last casbah on the threshold of the desert, you can reach the solid gold piles of "Omnia" by ferry of 20, then penetrate the eternal twilight of "Zeugma", the city that whispers poems, until you get to "Malagua", place of oblivion and laughter on the banks of a rainbow lake

Una vera e propria guida per mondi immaginari,

a kind of storybook for adults ...

Expert psiconauta's advice:

take one story a day lying down preferably after sunset.

WARNINGS - administered with caution! Reading can have serious side effects.

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